Our Newsletters

Insurance for Alternative Energy Solutions

According to BussinessTech, Eskom has spent R64.78 Billion the last five years on diesel to help with Electricity generation, according to Public Enterprise Minister, Pravin Gordon. 2020:  R5.8 Billion 2021:  R5.75 Billion 2022:  R8.6 Billion 2023:  R21.25 Billion 2024:  R23.38 Billion (Jan to April 2024) 2024’s value is a draft and unaudited.This solidifies the sentiment…

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The return to normalcy after Covid-19 pandemic

Dear Valued WICO Clients, We hope this newsletter finds you well and safe. As we embrace the return to normalcy after the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, we understand that the journey ahead still requires us to remain vigilant and informed. In this edition, we focus on key areas of concern and offer insights…

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Excited about 2022

There is definitely a positive feeling in the air.  It seems that the 2 years of the Pandemic is finally turning.  Hopefully we will soon be mask free.  Roads have resumed their pre pandemic congestion and we can see that our clients are travelling much more.  Companies who offered limited kilometer discounts are also discontinuing…

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Celebrating a lockdown Birthday

Celebrating a lockdown Birthday WICO is celebrating its 24th birthday in June.  The first ever in Lockdown and hopefully the last time ever.  We have been challenged greatly this year with the global pandemic.  Fortunately, we have been fully operational since the start of lockdown and could provide our valued clients with uninterrupted service.  We…

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The World forever changed: 2020

The World is currently facing a huge challenge, and life will definitely change going forward. The Pandemic that has affected all on our beautiful planet, will most certainly have a lasting effect on how we stand together in unity and stand up from this massive health and economic impact that the Covid-19 Pandemic is causing.…

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